Jawatan Kosong 2021 di Proton Commerce Sdn Bhd | Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan dan berumur tidak kurang dari 18 tahun pada tarikh tutup iklan ditawarkan untuk memohon jawatan kosong di Proton Commerce Sdn Bhd
Company Overview
Proton Commerce Sdn Bhd (PCSB) was incorporated on 27th October 2003 and started its operation on 1st March 2004. It is a 50:50 joint venture company between Proton Edar Sdn Bhd (PESB) and CIMB Bank Berhad (CIMB). It offers competitive hire purchase loan financing packages to new Proton car purchasers through PESB sales network nationwide. With the combined infrastructure of the two entities, PCSB can offer better deals for Proton car financing together with fast application and approval processes.
In addition, customers enjoy value-added financing packages with a combination of other financial products. All this with the assurance and reliability of two established parent companies that are well equipped with the expertise and infrastructure. Proton Commerce is committed to delivering competitive hire purchase finance facility by leveraging on the synergy of the core competencies and resources of its parent companies, with a focus on providing fast, efficient and friendly service to car buyers. Thus, by leveraging upon these multi-faceted strengths, Proton Commerce’s objective is to become the preferred automotive finance provider for all purchasers of new Proton cars while being recognised as the most competitive, comprehensive and capable player in the automotive financing industry.
Proton Commerce Sdn Bhd (PCSB) was incorporated on 27th October 2003 and started its operation on 1st March 2004. It is a 50:50 joint venture company between Proton Edar Sdn Bhd (PESB) and CIMB Bank Berhad (CIMB). It offers competitive hire purchase loan financing packages to new Proton car purchasers through PESB sales network nationwide. With the combined infrastructure of the two entities, PCSB can offer better deals for Proton car financing together with fast application and approval processes.
In addition, customers enjoy value-added financing packages with a combination of other financial products. All this with the assurance and reliability of two established parent companies that are well equipped with the expertise and infrastructure. Proton Commerce is committed to delivering competitive hire purchase finance facility by leveraging on the synergy of the core competencies and resources of its parent companies, with a focus on providing fast, efficient and friendly service to car buyers. Thus, by leveraging upon these multi-faceted strengths, Proton Commerce’s objective is to become the preferred automotive finance provider for all purchasers of new Proton cars while being recognised as the most competitive, comprehensive and capable player in the automotive financing industry.
Join Group Khas - Banyak Jawatan Kosong
i. Permohonan untuk senarai kerja kosong di atas adalah melalui Jobstreet. Oleh demikian, anda dikehendaki mendaftar terlebih dahulu sebelum memohon. Tutorial mendaftar dan memohon ada admin sediakan di sini
ii. Jika sudah mendaftar, anda bolehlah memohon jawatan kosong di atas dengan menekan link yang admin sediakan di bawah. Semoga anda diberikan rezeki oleh Nya untuk memperoleh pekerjaan yang diidamkan. Aminn..
Close date : 13 September 2021