Jawatan Kosong 2018 di Lembaga Pemulihan dan Penyatuan Tanah Sarawak (SALCRA) | Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan dan berumur tidak kurang dari 18 tahun pada tarikh tutup iklan ditawarkan untuk memohon jawatan kosong di Lembaga Pemulihan dan Penyatuan Tanah Sarawak (SALCRA)
Latar Belakang
The Department is the lead agency in the administration and management of land in Sarawak. Broadly, under its purview are matters relating to survey, planning, valuation, land and enforcement of the law.
This website aims to disseminate information on our corporate profile, roles and responsibilities entrusted to each Branch, e-services and other activities carried out by the Department. Information on the New NCR Initiative, an on-going exercise to bring all native customary rights land to the register and other topics of interest are given prominence in this website. These are meant to give viewers a deeper insight and a better understanding of the Land Policy in the state.
I hope that this website will promote information sharing and provide a two-way communication channel between the general public and the Department. We welcome your feedback, suggestion and constructive criticisms as our sincere hope is to provide a world-class public delivery service that truly meets the needs of the people, our most valued customers.
We strive to stay informative and interactive, improving continually and staying true to our vision “To be an excellent land administration and land management organization”.
This website aims to disseminate information on our corporate profile, roles and responsibilities entrusted to each Branch, e-services and other activities carried out by the Department. Information on the New NCR Initiative, an on-going exercise to bring all native customary rights land to the register and other topics of interest are given prominence in this website. These are meant to give viewers a deeper insight and a better understanding of the Land Policy in the state.
I hope that this website will promote information sharing and provide a two-way communication channel between the general public and the Department. We welcome your feedback, suggestion and constructive criticisms as our sincere hope is to provide a world-class public delivery service that truly meets the needs of the people, our most valued customers.
We strive to stay informative and interactive, improving continually and staying true to our vision “To be an excellent land administration and land management organization”.
Like Page Khas - Kerja Kosong Sabah & SarawakJawatan:
1. Akauntan W41
2. Pegawai Pertanian G41
3. Juruteknik Pertanian G29
4. Pembantu Akauntan W29
5. Penolong Pegawai Pertanian G29
6. Penolong Pegawai Pembangunan Komuniti S29
7. Penolong Pegawai Tanah JA29
8. Penolong Pegawai Pembelajaran dan Pembangunan (Pengurusan Perniagaan) N29
9. Penolong Pegawai Pembelajaran dan Pembangunan (Komunikasi dan Teknologi Maklumat) N29
10. Penolong Pegawai Pembelajaran dan Pembangunan (Operasi) N29
11. Penolong Pegawai Pembelajaran dan Pembangunan (Subsidiari) N29
12. Penolong Eksekutif Penyelidikan Q29
13. Ahli kimia G41
14. Jurutera Awam J41
15. Eksekutif Khidmat Pelanggan N22
16. Juruteknik IT FT19
17. Juruteknik Makmal Q29
18. Pegawai Pembelajaran dan Pembangunan (Pembelajaran) N41
19. Pengurus operasi N41
20. Pembantu peribadi N22
21. Kerani Perladangan N19
22. Penyelia Perladangan G22
23. Pegawai Pembelian N29
24. Juruukur Bahan J41
25. Pembantu penyelidik Q29
26. Penolong Pusat Sumber N19
27. Agronomi Kanan G48
28. Eksekutif Penyelidikan Kanan G44
29. Pembantu Teknikal (Udara-Con) JA19
30. Perancang Bandar J41